Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Ping Ping and Ping a Blog to earn Money

Ping ping and ping 
Ping ping bukan pingping dalam basa sunda yang arti Indonesianya paha
Ping your blog or blogs to earn with Affiliate Programs
Metod ini saya dapatkan dari email (diedit sedikit) yang dikirimkan

Next step pops up a small job for you. This task will help you increase cash returnsfrom our affiliate program.

Please proceed with the following steps:
1. Open site http://www.blogger.com in your Internet browser.
2. Click the "CREATE A BLOG" button.
3. On the following page youll be prompted to create a Google Account.
4. Once youre done with Account, click the "Create a blog" link.
5. Enter a Title for your blog: "Iklan Desa"
6. Enter Address (URL): "iklanorgdesa"
7. Then type in the verification word and click "CONTINUE".
8. On the next step choose a template, which you like most.
9. Then click the "START BLOGGING" button.
10. Click the "Compose" link to switch to text mode.
11. In the Title box enter: "Iklan Desa"
12. Then enter few sentences about you, who you are, what you are doing, what country you live, about your family and friends.

Now, the most important part, where the money comes from:
13. On the next line type your signature like: "abuydinar mh" (it can be any other name or sentence).
14. Then select this signature and press the "Link" button.

Your blog is ready. Click the "PUBLISH POST" button.

Then you need to make your blog picked up by search engines.
1. Open site http://pingomatic.com/ in your Internet browser.
2. In the "Blog Name" box enter "Iklan Desa"
3. In the "Blog Home Page" box enter "http://iklanorgdesa.blogspot.com"
4. Then in "Common Services" click "Check All" to have all services be selected.
5. Then click the "Send Pings" button.
6. Open site http://autopinger.com in your Internet browser.
7. In the "Url" box enter "http://iklanorgdesa.blogspot.com"
8. Then click the "Start Ping" button.
9. Open site http://www.pingmyblog.com in your Internet browser.
10. In the "Blog Name" box enter "Iklan Desa"
11. In the "Blog URL" box enter "http://iklanorgdesa.blogspot.com"
12. Then click "Check All" to have all services be selected.
13. Then click "I agree with Terms Of Service".
14. Then click the "Ping MY Blog" button.
15. Open site http://www.feedping.com in your Internet browser.
16. In the "Blog / Site Name:" box enter "Iklan Desa"
17. In the "Blog / Site URL " box enter "http://iklanorgdesa.blogspot.com"
18. Then click "Check All" to have all services be selected.
19. Then click "I agree to Terms of Service".
20. Then click the "PING ONLY ONCE" button.
21. Open site http://blogsearch.google.com/ping in your Internet browser.
22. In the "Your blog's address:" box enter "http://iklanorgdesa.blogspot.com"
23. Then click the "Submit Blog" button.
24. Open site http://pingler.com in your Internet browser.
25. In the "Website Name or Title:" box enter "Iklan Desa"
26. In the "Website Url:" box enter "http://iklanorgdesa.blogspot.com"
27. Then enter text in the captcha image in "Enter the Captcha Text" box.
28. Then click the "Ping My Site" button.
Now visitors will read you blog and when someone of them clicks on link our server knows that this visitor comes from you.
You will be rewarded for every new visitor comes from your blog.

Duit Uang Fulus dari Situs or Blog

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